from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice import time import sys outFolder = sys.argv[1] outFilename = sys.argv[2] print '' print 'Screenshot will be located in ' + outFolder + ' with name ' + outFilename; apk = '/home/serso/projects/java/android/calculatorpp/calculatorpp/target/calculatorpp-1.5.2-SNAPSHOT.apk' package = '' activity = '' deviceName = 'emulator-5554' def takeScreenshot (folder, filename): screenshot = device.takeSnapshot() screenshot.writeToFile(folder + '/' + filename + '.png','png') return print 'Waiting for device ' + deviceName + '...' device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(30, deviceName) if device: # unlock device device.wake() device.drag((130, 620), (500, 620), 1.0, 120) print 'Device found, removing application if any ' + package + '...' device.removePackage(package) print 'Installing apk ' + apk + '...' device.installPackage(apk) runComponent = package + '/' + activity print 'Starting activity ' + runComponent + '...' device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # close all dialogs'input keyevent 4') # sleep while application will be loaded MonkeyRunner.sleep(2); print 'Taking screenshot...' takeScreenshot(outFolder, outFilename + '_' + str(time.time()) ); print 'Changing orientation...' print '#########' print 'Finished!' print '#########' else: print '#########' print 'Failure!' print '#########'