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I’ve seen a lot of talk about this stuff: “Check out my FOSS project (hosted on Github)” “Wayland is a great innovation and boon to the community! Also, there are very few tools/alternatives available yet for your favorite X11 tool!” “We love open source! Also, we develop the most popular proprietary operating system!” “Do as I say, not as I do.” We love to poke fun at and expose this kind of stuff, which is all fine and dandy.

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There are many that say (and I tend to agree) that free software is the best there could be. But please don’t mistake using software that’s free as a right to superiority. There are many that go from day to day living and don’t give a thought to what they are using. Are they worse for this? Are you better for caring? Sometimes the truth can be quite baring. That not every human

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