" .ideavimrc is a configuration file for IdeaVim plugin. It uses " the same commands as the original .vimrc configuration. " You can find a list of commands here: https://jb.gg/h38q75 " Find more examples here: https://jb.gg/share-ideavimrc "" -- Suggested options -- " Show a few lines of context around the cursor. Note that this makes the " text scroll if you mouse-click near the start or end of the window. set scrolloff=5 " Do incremental searching. set incsearch " Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting. map Q gq " --- Enable IdeaVim plugins https://jb.gg/ideavim-plugins " Highlight copied text Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank' " Commentary plugin Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' "" -- Map IDE actions to IdeaVim -- https://jb.gg/abva4t "" Map \r to the Reformat Code action "map \r (ReformatCode) "" Map d to start debug "map d (Debug) "" Map \b to toggle the breakpoint on the current line "map \b (ToggleLineBreakpoint) set clipboard+=unnamedplus