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<stringname="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">System variable cannot be changed!</string>
<stringname="c_pi_description">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter</string>
<stringname="c_e_description">Unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = e^x at the point x = 0 is equal to 1</string>
<stringname="c_i_description">Imaginary unit, defined such that i^2 = −1</string>
<stringname="c_c_description">Speed of light in vacuum, m·s^-1</string>
<stringname="c_g_description">The gravitational constant is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass, m^3·kg^−1·s^−2</string>
<stringname="c_h_description">Physical constant reflecting the sizes of energy quanta in quantum mechanics, J·s</string>
<stringname="c_calc_result_precision_summary">Precision of result value (all calculations are done with maximum precision regardless of the value of this option)</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_abs">Function that gives absolute value of an argument.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_sgn">Function that gives the sign of an argument: -1 if argument is less than 0, 0 if equals to 0, 1 if more than 0.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_eq">Equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_le">Lesser-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_ge">Greater-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_ne">Not-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are not equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_lt">Lesser function - gives 1 if first argument is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_gt">Greater function - gives 1 if first argument is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_rad">Converts degrees into radians: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<stringname="c_fun_description_dms">Converts degrees from DMS notation to decimal notation: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_mod">Modulo operation finds the remainder of division of \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_sum">Sums functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_product">Gives product of functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_derivative">Gives derivative of order \'order\' of functions \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable and calculates at point \'x_point\'.</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_integral">Gives integral of function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable.</string>
<stringname="c_op_description_integral_ab">Integrates function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable from \'a\' to \'b\'.</string>