Add Traditional Chinese translation directory.

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Lin 2012-08-08 11:43:49 +08:00
parent 024e211dd3
commit 2bf1280c82
9 changed files with 667 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_about">About</string>
<string name="c_about_content">Copyright (c) 2009-2011\n\n<b>Created by serso aka se.solovyev</b>\n\n
Application web site: <a href=""></a>\n\n
This program is open source:\nall source code can be found on\n<a href=""></a>\n\n
For more information please\ncontact the author by email\n<a href=""></a>
\nor visit\n<a href=""></a>\n\n
If you want to support the project\n\nyou can buy a special option from application preferences\n\n
donate money via\n<a href=";business=se%2esolovyev%40gmail%2ecom&amp;lc=RU&amp;item_name=Android%20Calculator&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted"></a>\n\n
If you like the application\nrank it with 5 stars in\n<a href="">Google Play</a>\n\n
Thanks to people who translate Calculator++ in different languages:\n
Italian - Gabriele Ravanetti\n
Spanish - Jordi Luna\n
Ukrainian - Андрій Бандура\n\n
This application uses next open source libraries:\n
<a href="">Simple (XML serialization)</a>\n
<a href="">JSCL</a>\n
<a href="">AChartEngine</a>
<string name="c_release_notes">Release notes</string>
<string name="c_release_notes_for_title">"Release notes for version "</string>
<string name="c_release_notes_for_4">
1. Haptic feedback\n
2. Two layouts: calculator and cellphone\n
3. New constants\n
4. ERROR message is not so often now
<string name="c_release_notes_for_5">
1. Screen with all functions\n
2. Added support for decimal logarithm, factorial, comparison functions\n
3. Haptic feedback duration preference
<string name="c_release_notes_for_6">
1. Saving constants in two clicks (use +π button)\n
2. Result size is auto adjusted to fill all spare space\n
3. Fix for Xperia Ray blank result\n
4. Double factorial fix\n
5. Degrees added (use °: e.g. 30° and result will be converted into radians)
<string name="c_release_notes_for_7">
1. Support for entering numbers in scientific notation (2.3E2)\n
2. Added functions: deg(), rad() to convert from radians to degrees and vice versa\n
3. Added support for installing application on sd card\n
4. Added possibility to save entire expression as constant (e.g. type ln(6t), press +π button, enter name and save)\n
5. Fixed bug with abs() function and complex argument\n
6. Fixed bug with displaying result
<string name="c_release_notes_for_8">
1. Fixed bug with i^3\n
2. Fixed crash in case of many brackets
<string name="c_release_notes_for_9" formatted="false">
1. Percentage calculations.\n
100+(20+20)%=140, but 100+(20%+20%)=124.0\n
100+50%^2=2600, but 100+50^2%=101.08
<string name="c_release_notes_for_12">
1. Help screen added\n
2. Support for differentiation, integration, calculation of sum and product.\n
∫(1/x, x)=ln(x)\n
∫ab(x, x, 0, 10)=50.0
<string name="c_release_notes_for_13">
1. Fixed crashes\n
2. Added variables on the main screen
<string name="c_release_notes_for_14">
1. Support for different angle units: radians, degrees, gradians, turns\n
2. Easy toggling between radians and degrees: use the toggle switch located on the 6 button\n
3. Application is translated in Italian (thanks to Gabriele Ravanetti)\n
4. Fixed bug with simplification of √(π^2)
<string name="c_release_notes_for_15">
1. Added functions\' plotting: type expression which contains 1 undefined variable (e.g. cos(t)) and click on the result. In the context menu choose \'Plot graph\'. Supported features: zoom in/out, moving graph, plotting imaginary part
<string name="c_release_notes_for_16">
1. Buttons swipe preference\n
2. Added support for different numeral bases (currently supported: dec, bin, oct). Dec and bin can be chosen from main screen (CE button) and from app preferences\n
3. Fixed √ simplification problem\n
4. Performance improvements in functions\' plotting
<string name="c_release_notes_for_20">
1. New swipe actions (left, right)\n
2. Extended history: save, remove, copy, use from history screen (use long click for additional actions)\n
3. Added Spanish language\n
4. Full numeral base support (dec, hex, oct, bin)\n
5. !!!: Fix for multiplication sign on some devices - if you have strange symbols instead of × - go to the settings and change multiplication sign to *\n
6. Bug fixes: correct double factorial calculation, 20x fix, e^(pi*i)+1 fix and others
<string name="c_release_notes_for_21">
1. Release notes screen added\n
2. Added categories in functions and constants screens\n
3. Additional actions are available for constants, functions and operators (long click on the item and choose from context menu)\n
4. Logarithm function added - calculate logarithm of any base \n
5. Back button preference\n
6. Variant of π constant independent from angle units
<string name="c_release_notes_for_22">
1. Fix for missing cursor in Android 3 and higher\n
2. Fix for substituting 3.14... with Π constant
<string name="c_release_notes_for_23">
1. Fix for calculating inverse trigonometric functions in complex field\n
2. Removed time delay for calculation\n
3. Fix the problem with 200 - 10% = π
<string name="c_release_notes_for_24">
Note from developer\n\n
Sorry to inform you but this version of application brings built-in ads.\n
I haven\'t seen in Google Play calculator with similar capabilities and I don\'t think I will see it in the close future.\n
But still I want to extend it\'s functionality and support already implemented. The thing is that I cannot do it anymore for free - it takes too much time and great efforts from me as
application has become rather big and complex.\n
If you want to support the project and remove the ads please purchase special option from application preferences,\n
if you don\'t want to pay or can\'t do it - you still can thank the author of this program by email:, rate application with high mark in Google Play\n
or help to translate the application to your native language.
<string name="c_release_notes_for_25">
1. Integration of ln() and lg()\n
2. Last opened tab is remembered now (history, variables etc)\n
3. Remove option from context menu for variables\n
4. 1/0 bug\n
5. Gui defect for MIUI roms\n
6. Double zero (00) key
<string name="c_release_notes_for_26">
1. Integration of trigonometric functions is disabled for not radian angles\n
2. Bug with 1/0 = -1/0 fixed\n
3. Bug with ∫(sin(t°), t) fixed\n
4. Other small fixes
<string name="c_release_notes_for_27">
Note from developer:\n\n
I\'m glad to inform you that I\'ve started a forum for Calculator++:\n
Here you can find latest information about application, check for known issues, submit bugs or suggest new features.\n
You can use your social account to login (Facebook, Twitter or Google are supported).\n\n
1. Zoom buttons on graph plotter\n
2. Billing bug fixes\n
3. Fixed bug with saving constants\n
4. Android 4 GUI artifacts fixed (aka hardware acceleration problem)\n
5. Other small fixes
<string name="c_release_notes_for_29">
1. New Metro theme with 3 color variations (old themes are still available)\n
2. Simple layout (Default layout is still scientific)\n
3. Preferences screen changes\n
4. Maximum calculation time preference added\n
5. Always scientific notation option added\n
6. Remove billing information option added\n
7. Error label is substituted with greyed text\n
8. Special layout for x-high density displays (aka Galaxy Note support)\n
9. Sgn(0) problem fixed\n
10. Billing problems fixes
<string name="c_release_notes_for_34">
1. Ukrainian localization (Андрій Бандура)\n
2. HEX digits are not shown in not HEX mode\n
3. Preference for disabling display auto rotation\n
4. Preference for hiding equals button\n
5. Fixed plot problem\n
6. Fixed E+ problem (HEX mode)\n
7. π and Π are switched\n
8. Conversion tool added (tap on display or choose from application menu)\n
9. Wrong lg() integration and differentiation fixed
<string name="c_release_notes_for_39">
1. Virtual keyboard are now not shown on Android 4 ICS\n
2. Fast number conversion from display context menu\n
3. Minor GUI fixes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_donate">Donate</string>
<string name="c_donate_text">You can thank the author of this program by email\n\n
<a href=""></a>\n\n
buying a special option from application preferences\n\n
donating money via\n\n<a href=";business=se%2esolovyev%40gmail%2ecom&amp;lc=RU&amp;item_name=Android%20Calculator&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted"></a>\n\n
or setting 5 stars in\n\n<a href="">Google Play</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_functions">Functions</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Trigonometric sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Trigonometric cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Trigonometric tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Trigonometric cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcsine - the inverse of sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccosine - the inverse of cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangent - the inverse of tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangent - the inverse of cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Natural logarithm - logarithm the base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Decadic logarithm - logarithm the base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_log">Logarithm - logarithm the specified base.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Exponential function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Square root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Cubic root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Function that gives absolute value of an argument.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Function that gives the sign of an argument: -1 if argument is less than 0, 0 if equals to 0, 1 if more than 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Lesser-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Greater-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Not-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are not equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Lesser function - gives 1 if first argument is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Greater function - gives 1 if first argument is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Converts degrees into radians: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Converts degrees from DMS notation to decimal notation: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Converts radians into degrees.</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Hyperbolic trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Comparison</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Common</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">My</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Hints</string>
<string name="c_screens">Screens</string>
<string name="c_faq_content" formatted="false">
<b>How can I remove the ads?</b>\n
You can do it by purchasing the special option in the main application preferences.\n
Purchase is done with Google Play and is linked to your google account.\n
All your devices where same google account is set will be aware of purchase and will not show the advertisement.\n
<b>Why Calculator++ needs INTERNET permission?</b>\n
Currently application needs such permission only for one purpose - to show ads. If you buy the special option C++ will never use your internet connection.\n
<b>How can I use functions written in the top right and bottom right corners of the button?</b>\n
Push the button and slide lightly up or down. Depending on value showed on the button action will occur.\n
<b>How can I toggle between radians and degrees?</b>\n
To toggle between different angle units you can either change appropriate option in application settings\n or use the toggle switch located on the 6 button\n
(current value is lighted with yellow color).\n
Also you can use deg() and rad() functions and ° operator to convert degrees to radians and vice versa.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726\n
rad(30, 21, 0) = 0.52971\n
deg(4.67748) = 268\n
<b>Does C++ support %?</b>\n
Yes, % function can be found in the top right corner of / button.\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125\n
100 + (100 * 50% * (25 + 25)% + 100%) = 150\n
100 + (20 + 20)% = 140, <b>but</b> 100+ (20% + 20%) = 124.0\n
100 + 50% ^ 2 = 2600, <b>but</b> 100 + 50 ^ 2% = 101.08\n
<b>Does C++ support fractional calculations?</b>\n
Yes, you can type your fractional expression in the editor and use ≡ (in the top right corner of = button). Also you can use ≡ to simplify expression.\n
2/3 + 5/9 ≡ 11/9\n
2/9 + 3/123 ≡ 91/369\n
(6 - t) ^ 3 ≡ 216 - 108t + 18t ^ 2 - t ^ 3\n
<b>Does C++ support complex calculations?</b>\n
Yes, just enter complex expression (using i or √(-1) as imaginary number).\n
(2i + 1) ^ 2 = -3 + 4i\n
e ^ i = 0.5403 + 0.84147i\n
<b>Can C++ plot graph of the function?</b>\n
Yes, type expression which contains 1 undefined variable (e.g. cos(t) and t has no value) and click on the result. In the context menu choose \'Plot graph\'.\n
<b>Does C++ support matrix calculations?</b>\n
No, it doesn\'t.\n
<b>Why I\'ve got 1.76732452452345E-17 instead of 0?</b>\n
Check the \'Round result\' preference in application settings - it should be turned on.\n
<string name="c_hints_content">
1. You can omit unnecessary multiplication signs (instead of 3*t or t*sin(π*t) just type 3t or tsin(πt))\n\n
2. Use ≡ (in the top right corner of = button) to simplify expression\n\n
3. Just click on the result to copy it to the clipboard\n\n
4. Use = button seldom - result is calculating on the fly\n\n
5. Add constants for often used values (you can even save expressions)\n\n
6. Use variables located on 4 and 5 buttons\n\n
<string name="c_screens_content">
1. <b>Main screen:</b> is shown on application start, can be reached from another screen by pressing Back button.\n\n
2. <b>Variables and Constants screen:</b> contains list of available constants. User may add some constants and variables here by clicking Add button. Short click on variable/constant inserts it into the editor, long click - opens variable editor window. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing π,… button.\n\n
3. <b>Functions screen:</b> contains list of all available functions. Short click on function inserts it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing f(x) button.\n\n
4. <b>Operators screen:</b> contains list of all available operators. Short click on operator inserts it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing ∂,… button.\n\n
5. <b>History screen:</b> contains list of all actions done by user. Short click on history item sets it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing M button.\n\n
6. <b>Settings screen:</b> contains application preferences. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing Settings in menu.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="msg_1">Arithmetic error occurred: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_2">Too complex expression</string>
<string name="msg_3">Too long execution time - check the expression</string>
<string name="msg_4">Evaluation was cancelled</string>
<string name="msg_5">No parameters are specified for function: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_6">Infinite loop is detected in expression</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_operators">Operators</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">Modulo operation finds the remainder of division of \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Sums functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Gives product of functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Gives derivative of order \'order\' (default = 1) of functions \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable and calculates at point \'x_point\' (default = same as \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Gives integral of function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Integrates function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable from \'a\' to \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Gives the factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Gives the double factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Gives the percent value of the expression before.\nExamples:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Converts degrees to radians.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<string name="c_auto_orientation_title">Toggle screen orientation change</string>
<string name="c_auto_orientation_summary">If turned on calculator will change screen orientation automatically</string>
<string name="c_show_equals_button_title">Show equals button</string>
<string name="c_show_equals_button_summary">If turned on equals button is shown</string>
<string name="c_hide_numeral_base_digits_title">Hide numeral base digits</string>
<string name="c_hide_numeral_base_digits_summary">If turned on numeral base digits of other numeral bases will be hidden</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_app_name">Calculator++</string>
<string name="c_app_name_free">Calculator++ Free</string>
<string name="c_app_icon_name">Calc++</string>
<string name="c_app_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="c_syntax_error">Error</string>
<string name="c_result_copied">Result copied to clipboard!</string>
<string name="c_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="c_help">Help</string>
<string name="c_vars_and_constants">Variables And Constants</string>
<string name="c_prefs_main_category">Main settings</string>
<string name="c_prefs_calculations_category">Calculation settings</string>
<string name="c_prefs_appearance_category">Appearance settings</string>
<string name="c_prefs_other_category">Other settings</string>
<string name="c_prefs_drag_button_category">Drag buttons settings</string>
<string name="c_down">Down</string>
<string name="c_up">Up</string>
<string name="c_restart">Restart</string>
<string name="c_undo">undo</string>
<string name="c_redo">redo</string>
<string name="c_clear">C</string>
<string name="c_erase">clear</string>
<string name="c_paste">paste</string>
<string name="c_vars">vars</string>
<string name="c_copy">Copy</string>
<string name="c_plot">Plot graph</string>
<string name="c_graph">Graph</string>
<string name="c_calc_color_display_title">Highlight expressions</string>
<string name="c_calc_round_result_title">Round result</string>
<string name="c_calc_round_result_summary">Toggles rounding of the result</string>
<string name="c_calc_science_notation_title">Always scientific notation</string>
<string name="c_calc_science_notation_summary">If turned on forces to use only scientific notation of output (12.34E-12)</string>
<string name="p_calc_result_precision_title">Precision of result</string>
<string name="p_calc_max_calculation_time_title">Maximum calculation time</string>
<string name="p_calc_max_calculation_time_summary">If calculations exceed specified limit - calculator halts with error</string>
<string name="c_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="c_add">Add</string>
<string name="c_cancel">Cancel</string>
<string name="c_save">Save</string>
<string name="c_remove">Remove</string>
<string name="c_yes">Yes</string>
<string name="c_no">No</string>
<string name="c_var_removal_confirmation">Removal confirmation</string>
<string name="c_var_removal_confirmation_question">Do you really want to delete \'%s\' variable?</string>
<string name="c_var_name">Name</string>
<string name="c_var_value">Value</string>
<string name="c_var_description">Description</string>
<string name="c_var_create_var">Create variable</string>
<string name="c_var_edit_var">Edit variable</string>
<string name="">Value must be either number or empty!</string>
<string name="">Variable name clashes with function name!</string>
<string name="c_var.already.exists">Variable with same name already exists!</string>
<string name="">Name of constant is not valid: name must start with letter, can contain letters, digits and underscore.</string>
<string name="">System variable cannot be changed!</string>
<string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Enter new expression</string>
<string name="c_press_to_copy">Press to copy</string>
<string name="c_continue">Continue</string>
<string name="c_history">History</string>
<string name="c_history_button">M</string>
<string name="c_history_is_empty">History is empty!</string>
<string name="c_app_history">History</string>
<string name="c_char_is_not_accepted">Character \'%s\' is not accepted in variable name!</string>
<string name="c_calc_angle_units">Angle Units</string>
<string name="p_deg">Degrees</string>
<string name="p_rad">Radians</string>
<string name="p_grad">Gradians</string>
<string name="p_turns">Turns</string>
<string name="c_angle_units_summary">Defines the default units for angles.</string>
<string name="c_calc_numeral_bases">Numeral systems</string>
<string name="c_numeral_bases_summary">Defines the default numeral system for all input numbers.</string>
<string name="p_dec">Decimal</string>
<string name="p_hex">Hexadecimal</string>
<string name="p_oct">Octal</string>
<string name="p_bin">Binary</string>
<string name="c_calc_theme">Theme</string>
<string name="p_default_theme">Grey</string>
<string name="p_violet_theme">Violet</string>
<string name="p_light_blue_theme">Light Blue</string>
<string name="p_metro_blue_theme">Metro Blue (Default)</string>
<string name="p_metro_green_theme">Metro Green</string>
<string name="p_metro_purple_theme">Metro Purple</string>
<string name="c_calc_result_precision_summary">Precision of result value (all calculations are done with maximum precision regardless of the value of this option)</string>
<string name="c_calc_color_display_summary">Toggles colouring and styling in calculator editor</string>
<string name="c_calc_theme_summary">Sets the theme for calculator</string>
<string name="c_clear_history">Clear history</string>
<string name="c_simplify_instead_of_numeric">Next constants are undefined: {0}!</string>
<string name="p_grouping_separator_no">No grouping separator</string>
<string name="p_grouping_separator_apostrophe">Apostrophe (\')</string>
<string name="p_grouping_separator_space">Space ( )</string>
<string name="c_calc_grouping_separator">Grouping separator</string>
<string name="c_calc_grouping_separator_summary">Sets grouping separator</string>
<string name="c_calc_multiplication_sign">Multiplication sign</string>
<string name="c_calc_multiplication_sign_summary">Sets multiplication sign</string>
<string name="c_calc_layout">Layout</string>
<string name="p_layout_cellphone">Scientific (cellphone)</string>
<string name="p_layout_calculator">Scientific</string>
<string name="p_layout_simple">Simple</string>
<string name="c_calc_layout_summary">Sets layout of buttons</string>
<string name="c_calc_haptic_feedback_title">Haptic feedback</string>
<string name="c_calc_haptic_feedback_summary">Toggles vibration on button click</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_strength_short">Short</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_strength_middle">Middle</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_strength_long">Long</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Haptic feedback duration</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Duration vibration on button click</string>
<string name="c_empty_var_error">Unable to create empty constant!</string>
<string name="c_not_valid_result">Current result is not valid!</string>
<string name="c_plot_graph">Graph</string>
<string name="c_min_x_value">From</string>
<string name="c_max_x_value">To</string>
<string name="c_swipe_distance">Swipe distance for buttons</string>
<string name="c_swipe_distance_summary">Sets swipe distance for buttons that support additional swipe actions</string>
<string name="c_comment">Comment</string>
<string name="c_history_item_saved">Saved</string>
<string name="c_history_item_not_saved">Not saved</string>
<string name="c_expression_copied">Expression copied to the clipboard!</string>
<string name="c_history_item_status">Status: </string>
<string name="c_history_item_comment">Comment: </string>
<string name="c_use">Use</string>
<string name="c_use_short">Use</string>
<string name="c_copy_expression">Copy expression</string>
<string name="c_copy_result">Copy result</string>
<string name="c_history_expression">Value</string>
<string name="c_history_item_already_saved">Saved (see \'Saved history\' tab)</string>
<string name="c_history_comment">Comment</string>
<string name="c_save_history">Save history</string>
<string name="c_edit_history">Modify history</string>
<string name="c_edit">Modify</string>
<string name="c_saved_history">Saved history</string>
<string name="c_history_already_saved">History was already saved!</string>
<string name="c_history_must_be_saved">History must be saved before editing!</string>
<string name="c_history_was_removed">History was successfully removed!</string>
<string name="c_history_saved">History was successfully saved!</string>
<string name="c_copy_description">Copy description</string>
<string name="c_copy_value">Copy value</string>
<string name="c_first_start_text">Thank you for choosing Calculator++!\n\nCalculator++ is a powerful tool for making everyday calculations.\n\nTo remove the ads and support the project you can use special option from application settings.\n\nIt\'s highly recommended to read the FAQ and hints before the work to use all the features of application (press Menu button and then Help)</string>
<string name="c_first_start_text_title">Welcome</string>
<string name="c_calc_show_release_notes_title">Show release notes</string>
<string name="c_calc_show_release_notes_summary">Defines if release notes popup window should appear after update to the new version</string>
<string name="c_calc_use_back_button_as_prev_summary">Defines the behaviour of the Back button</string>
<string name="c_calc_use_back_button_as_prev_title">Use Back button as history prev</string>
<string name="c_clear_billing_info_summary">Billing information will be reloaded from the server</string>
<string name="c_clear_billing_info_title">Clear billing information</string>
<string name="c_warning">Warning</string>
<string name="c_error">Error</string>
<string name="c_billing_error">Billing is not supported: you must have Google Checkout account linked to your Google account and must be connected to the internet.</string>
<string name="c_calc_ad_free_title">Support the project</string>
<string name="c_calc_ad_free_summary">And remove the advertisement</string>
<string name="c_calc_already_purchased">Ad free option has been already purchased!</string>
<string name="c_calc_purchasing">Purchasing…</string>
<string name="c_calc_clearing">Clearing…</string>
<string name="c_feedback_title">Feedback</string>
<string name="c_feedback_text">You have been using Calculator++ for some time \n
and it\'s important for us to know your opinion about application.\n\n
Please rate Calculator++ \non <a href="">Google Play</a>,\n leave a comment or \ndiscuss application \non our <a href="">forum</a>
<string name="c_notespp_announce_text">Good news - I just released new application for Android called <a href="">Notes++</a>.\n
If you\'re interesting in fast and easy way of making notes please follow the <a href="">link</a> and try Notes++!
<string name="c_angle_units_changed_to">Angle units changed to \'%s\'!</string>
<string name="c_numeral_base_changed_to">Numeral base changed to \'%s\'!</string>
<string name="c_conversion_tool">Conversion tool</string>
<string name="c_convert">Convert to…</string>
<string name="convert_to_hex">Convert to hex</string>
<string name="convert_to_bin">Convert to bin</string>
<string name="convert_to_dec">Convert to dec</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit dependent => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit independent => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = e^x at the point x = 0 is equal to 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Imaginary unit, defined such that i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Speed of light in vacuum, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">The gravitational constant is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Physical constant reflecting the sizes of energy quanta in quantum mechanics, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Reduced Planck constant, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Not a number</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinity</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Built-in</string>
<string name="c_var_my">My</string>