Translated text_vars.xml to Traditional Chinese (zh-rtw).

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Timothy Lin 2012-08-08 13:30:49 +08:00
parent 8e5bdcce48
commit 6a53fce043

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@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit dependent => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit independent => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = e^x at the point x = 0 is equal to 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Imaginary unit, defined such that i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Speed of light in vacuum, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">The gravitational constant is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Physical constant reflecting the sizes of energy quanta in quantum mechanics, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Reduced Planck constant, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Not a number</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinity</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">圓周長與直徑之比值. 註: 此常數會隨著角度單位改變 => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">圓周長與直徑之比值. 註: 此常數會隨著角度單位改變 => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">唯一一個使得 f(x) = e^x 的微分(切線斜率) 在 x = 0 時為 1 的自然數.</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">虛數單位, 定義為 i^2 = -1.</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">真空中的光速, 單位為 m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">重力常數, 計算物質間萬有引力時需要用到的常數(實驗值), 單位為 m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">普朗克常數, 用來描述量子大小的物理常數, 單位為 J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">約化普朗克常數(普朗克常數/(2*pi)), 單位為 J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">NaN</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">無限大</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Built-in</string>
<string name="c_var_my">My</string>
<string name="c_var_system">內建</string>
<string name="c_var_my">自訂</string>