log function added + refactor of strings

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Solovyev 2011-12-24 17:26:45 +04:00
parent d0d580552f
commit ef05f198e9
21 changed files with 449 additions and 252 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_functions">Funciones</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Función trigonométrica seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Función trigonométrica coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Función trigonométrica tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Función trigonométrica cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcseno - El inverso de la función seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccoseno - El inverso de la función coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangente - El inverso de la función tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangente - El inverso de la función cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Logaritmo neperiano - logaritmo de base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Decadic logaritmo - logaritmo de base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Función exponencial.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Función Raíz cuadrado.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Función Raíz cuadrada.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Función que devuelve el valor absoluto de un argumento.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Función que devuelve el signo de un argumento: -1 si el argumento es menor que 0, 0 si es igual a 0, 1 si es mayor que 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Función Igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales, 0 si no lo son.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Función Menor o igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales o el primero es menor que el segundo, 0 si el primero es mayor.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Función Mayor o igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales o si el primero es mayor que el segundo, 0 si el primero es menor.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Función Distinto - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos no son iguales, 0 si son idénticos.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Función Menor - Devuelve 1 si el primer argumento es menor que el segundo, 0 si no lo es.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Función Mayor - Devuelve 1 si el primer argumento es mayor que el segundo, 0 si no lo es.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Convierte grados a radianes: d - grados, m - minutos (por defecto = 0), s - segundos (por defecto = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Convierte grados de notación DMS a notación decimal: d - grados, m - minutos (por defecto = 0), s - segundos (por defecto = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Convierte radianes a grados.</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Trigonométrico</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Hiperbólicas trigonométricas</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Comparación</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Común</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">Mis</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_operators">Operadores</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">El módulo operación encuentra el resto de la división de \'x\' por \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Función Suma \'f(i)\', iterativamente a través de \'i\' desde \'from\' hasta \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Devuelve el producto de las funciones \'f(i)\', iterativamente a través de \'i\' desde \'from\' hasta \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Devuelve el derivado de orden \'order\' (por defecto = 1) de funciones \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable y calcula en el punto \'x_point\' (por defecto = el mismo que \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Devuelve la integral de la función \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Función integral \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable desde \'a\' hasta \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Devuelve el factorial de la expresión antes.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Devuelve el doble factorial de la expresión antes.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Devuelve el valor porcentaje de la expresión antes.\nEjemplos:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Convierte Grados a Radianes.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726

View File

@ -78,15 +78,7 @@
<string name="c_var.already.exists">¡Ya existe una variable con el mismo nombre!</string> <string name="c_var.already.exists">¡Ya existe una variable con el mismo nombre!</string>
<string name="c_name.is.not.valid">El nombre de la Constante no es válido: el nombre debe comenzar con una letra,puede contener letras, dígitos y líneas.</string> <string name="c_name.is.not.valid">El nombre de la Constante no es válido: el nombre debe comenzar con una letra,puede contener letras, dígitos y líneas.</string>
<string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">¡Una Variable de Sistema no puede ser cambiada!</string> <string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">¡Una Variable de Sistema no puede ser cambiada!</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio de la circunferencia del círculo a su diámetro</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Número real único como el valor de la derivada (pendiente de la línea tangente) de la función f(x) = e^x en el punto x = 0 es igual a 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Unidad imaginaria, definida como i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Velocidad de la luz en vacío, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">La constante gravitatoria es una constante física empírica consistente en el cálculo de la atracción gravitatoria entre objetos con masa, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Constante física que refleja los tamaños de energía cuántica en mecánica cuántica, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Constante Planck reducida, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">No es un número</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinito</string>
<string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Introducir nuevo cálculo</string> <string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Introducir nuevo cálculo</string>
<string name="c_press_to_copy">Pulsar para copiar</string> <string name="c_press_to_copy">Pulsar para copiar</string>
<string name="c_continue">Continuar</string> <string name="c_continue">Continuar</string>
@ -136,52 +128,10 @@
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_strength_long">Largo</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_strength_long">Largo</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Duración de la vibración</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Duración de la vibración</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Duración de la vibración al pulsar un butón</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Duración de la vibración al pulsar un butón</string>
<string name="c_functions">Funciones</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Función trigonométrica seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Función trigonométrica coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Función trigonométrica tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Función trigonométrica cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcseno - El inverso de la función seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccoseno - El inverso de la función coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangente - El inverso de la función tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangente - El inverso de la función cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Logaritmo neperiano - logaritmo de base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Decadic logaritmo - logaritmo de base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Función exponencial.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Función Raíz cuadrado.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Función Raíz cuadrada.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Función que devuelve el valor absoluto de un argumento.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Función que devuelve el signo de un argumento: -1 si el argumento es menor que 0, 0 si es igual a 0, 1 si es mayor que 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Función Igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales, 0 si no lo son.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Función Menor o igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales o el primero es menor que el segundo, 0 si el primero es mayor.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Función Mayor o igual - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos son iguales o si el primero es mayor que el segundo, 0 si el primero es menor.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Función Distinto - Devuelve 1 si dos argumentos no son iguales, 0 si son idénticos.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Función Menor - Devuelve 1 si el primer argumento es menor que el segundo, 0 si no lo es.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Función Mayor - Devuelve 1 si el primer argumento es mayor que el segundo, 0 si no lo es.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Convierte grados a radianes: d - grados, m - minutos (por defecto = 0), s - segundos (por defecto = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Convierte grados de notación DMS a notación decimal: d - grados, m - minutos (por defecto = 0), s - segundos (por defecto = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Convierte radianes a grados.</string>
<string name="c_empty_var_error">No se puede crear una constante vacía!</string> <string name="c_empty_var_error">No se puede crear una constante vacía!</string>
<string name="c_not_valid_result">El resultado actual no es válido!</string> <string name="c_not_valid_result">El resultado actual no es válido!</string>
<string name="c_operators">Operadores</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">El módulo operación encuentra el resto de la división de \'x\' por \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Función Suma \'f(i)\', iterativamente a través de \'i\' desde \'from\' hasta \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Devuelve el producto de las funciones \'f(i)\', iterativamente a través de \'i\' desde \'from\' hasta \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Devuelve el derivado de orden \'order\' (por defecto = 1) de funciones \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable y calcula en el punto \'x_point\' (por defecto = el mismo que \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Devuelve la integral de la función \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Función integral \'f(x)\' por \'x\' variable desde \'a\' hasta \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Devuelve el factorial de la expresión antes.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Devuelve el valor porcentaje de la expresión antes.\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125\n
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Convierte Grados a Radianes.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726\n
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string> <string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Consejos</string> <string name="c_hints">Consejos</string>
<string name="c_screens">Pantallas</string> <string name="c_screens">Pantallas</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio de la circunferencia del círculo a su diámetro. Nota: esta constante es la unidad de medida dependiente => rad: 3,14, deg: 180,0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Ratio de la circunferencia del círculo a su diámetro. Nota: esta constante es la unidad de medida independientes => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Número real único como el valor de la derivada (pendiente de la línea tangente) de la función f(x) = e^x en el punto x = 0 es igual a 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Unidad imaginaria, definida como i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Velocidad de la luz en vacío, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">La constante gravitatoria es una constante física empírica consistente en el cálculo de la atracción gravitatoria entre objetos con masa, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Constante física que refleja los tamaños de energía cuántica en mecánica cuántica, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Constante Planck reducida, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">No es un número</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinito</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Incorporado</string>
<string name="c_var_my">Mis</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_functions">Funzioni</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Funzione trigonometrica seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Funzione trigonometrica coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Funzione trigonometrica tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Funzione trigonometrica cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcseno - inversa della funzione seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccoseno - inversa della funzione coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangente - inversa della funzione tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangente - inversa della funzione cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Logaritmo naturale - logaritmo in base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Logaritmo decimale - logaritmo in base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Funzione esponenziale.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Funzione radice quadrata.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Funzione radice cubica.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Funzione che restituisce il valore assoluto di un argomento.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Funzione che restituisce il segno di un argomento: -1 se l\'argomnto è minore di 0, 0 se è uguale a 0, 1 se è maggiore di 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Funzione uguaglianza - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Funzione minore-o-uguale - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali o il primo è minore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Funzione maggiore-o-uguale - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali o il primo è maggiore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Funzione disuguaglianza - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti non sono uguali, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Funzione minore - restituisce 1 se il primo argomento è minore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Funzione maggiore - restituisce 1 se il primo argomento è maggiore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Converte gradi in radianti: d - gradi, m - minuti (predefinito = 0), s - secondi (predefinito = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Converte gradi dalla notazione DMS in notazione decimale: d - gradi, m - minuti (predefinito = 0), s - secondi (predefinito = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Converte radianti in gradi.</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Trigonometriche</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Trigonometriche iperboliche</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Comparazione</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Comune</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">Mie</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_operators">Operatori</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">L\'operazione modulo trova il resto della divisione di \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Funzione somma \'f(i)\', iterazione tra \'i\' da \'from\' a \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Restituisce il prodotto della funzione \'f(i)\', iterazione tra \'i\' da \'from\' a \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Restituisce la derivata di ordine \'order\' della funzione \'f(x)\' in \'x\' e calcolata nel punto \'x_point\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Restituisce l\'integrale della funzione \'f(x)\' in \'x\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Funzione integrale \'f(x)\' in \'x\' da \'a\' a \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Restituisce il fattoriale dell\'espressione precedente.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Restituisce il fattoriale doppio dell\'espressione precedente.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Restituisce la percentuale dell\'espressione precedente.\nEsempi:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Converte gradi in radianti.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
--> -->
<resources> <resources>
<string name="c_app_name">Calculator++</string> <string name="c_app_name">Calculator++</string>
<string name="c_app_icon_name">Calc++</string> <string name="c_app_icon_name">Calc++</string>
<string name="c_app_settings">Impostazioni</string> <string name="c_app_settings">Impostazioni</string>
@ -71,16 +71,6 @@
<string name="c_var.already.exists">Una variabile con lo stesso nome esiste già!</string> <string name="c_var.already.exists">Una variabile con lo stesso nome esiste già!</string>
<string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Il nome della costante non è valido: il nome deve iniziare con una lettera, può contenere lettere, cifre e underscore.</string> <string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Il nome della costante non è valido: il nome deve iniziare con una lettera, può contenere lettere, cifre e underscore.</string>
<string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">La variabile di sistema non può essere cambiata!</string> <string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">La variabile di sistema non può essere cambiata!</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Rapporto tra la circonferenza di qualsiasi cerchio col suo diametro</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unico numero reale tale che il valore della derivata (pendenza della retta tangente) della funzione f(x) = e^x nel punto x = 0 che è uguale a 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Unità immaginaria, definita come i^2 = -1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Velocità della luce nel vuoto, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">La costante gravitazionale è una costante fisica empirica coinvolta nel calcolo dell\' attrazione gravitazionale tra gli oggetti con massa, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Costante fisica che riflette la dimensione dei quanti di energia in meccanica quantistica, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Costante di riduzione di Planck, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Non è un numero</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinito</string>
<string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Inserisci una nuova espressione</string> <string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Inserisci una nuova espressione</string>
<string name="c_press_to_copy">Premi per copiare</string> <string name="c_press_to_copy">Premi per copiare</string>
@ -132,55 +122,9 @@
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Durata feedback tattile</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Durata feedback tattile</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Durata della vibrazione su click dei pulsanti</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Durata della vibrazione su click dei pulsanti</string>
<string name="c_functions">Funzioni</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Funzione trigonometrica seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Funzione trigonometrica coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Funzione trigonometrica tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Funzione trigonometrica cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcseno - inversa della funzione seno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccoseno - inversa della funzione coseno.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangente - inversa della funzione tangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangente - inversa della funzione cotangente.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Logaritmo naturale - logaritmo in base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Logaritmo decimale - logaritmo in base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Funzione esponenziale.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Funzione radice quadrata.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Funzione radice cubica.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Funzione che restituisce il valore assoluto di un argomento.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Funzione che restituisce il segno di un argomento: -1 se l\'argomnto è minore di 0, 0 se è uguale a 0, 1 se è maggiore di 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Funzione uguaglianza - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Funzione minore-o-uguale - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali o il primo è minore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Funzione maggiore-o-uguale - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti sono uguali o il primo è maggiore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Funzione disuguaglianza - restituisce 1 se i due argomenti non sono uguali, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Funzione minore - restituisce 1 se il primo argomento è minore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Funzione maggiore - restituisce 1 se il primo argomento è maggiore del secondo, 0 altrimenti.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Converte gradi in radianti: d - gradi, m - minuti (predefinito = 0), s - secondi (predefinito = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Converte gradi dalla notazione DMS in notazione decimale: d - gradi, m - minuti (predefinito = 0), s - secondi (predefinito = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Converte radianti in gradi.</string>
<string name="c_empty_var_error">Impossibile creare una costante vuota!</string> <string name="c_empty_var_error">Impossibile creare una costante vuota!</string>
<string name="c_not_valid_result">Risultato attuale non valido!</string> <string name="c_not_valid_result">Risultato attuale non valido!</string>
<string name="c_operators">Operatori</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">L\'operazione modulo trova il resto della divisione di \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Funzione somma \'f(i)\', iterazione tra \'i\' da \'from\' a \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Restituisce il prodotto della funzione \'f(i)\', iterazione tra \'i\' da \'from\' a \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Restituisce la derivata di ordine \'order\' della funzione \'f(x)\' in \'x\' e calcolata nel punto \'x_point\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Restituisce l\'integrale della funzione \'f(x)\' in \'x\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Funzione integrale \'f(x)\' in \'x\' da \'a\' a \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Restituisce il fattoriale dell\'espressione precedente.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Restituisce la percentuale dell\'espressione precedente.\nEsempi:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Converte gradi in radianti.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string> <string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Suggerimenti</string> <string name="c_hints">Suggerimenti</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Rapporto tra la circonferenza di qualsiasi cerchio col suo diametro. Nota: questa costante è l'unità di misura dipende => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Rapporto tra la circonferenza di qualsiasi cerchio col suo diametro. Nota: questa costante è l'unità di misura indipendente => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unico numero reale tale che il valore della derivata (pendenza della retta tangente) della funzione f(x) = e^x nel punto x = 0 che è uguale a 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Unità immaginaria, definita come i^2 = -1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Velocità della luce nel vuoto, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">La costante gravitazionale è una costante fisica empirica coinvolta nel calcolo dell\' attrazione gravitazionale tra gli oggetti con massa, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Costante fisica che riflette la dimensione dei quanti di energia in meccanica quantistica, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Costante di riduzione di Planck, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Non è un numero</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinito</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Built-in</string>
<string name="c_var_my">Mie</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_functions">Функции</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Тригонометрическая функция синус.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Тригонометрическая функция косинус.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Тригонометрическая функция тангенс.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Тригонометрическая функция котангенс.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Арксинус - обратная функция к синусу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Арккосинус - обратная функция к косинусу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Арктангенс - обратная функция к тангенсу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Арккотангенс - обратная функция к котангенсу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Натуральный логарифм - логарифм по основанию e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Десятичный логарифм - логарифм по основанию 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Экспонента.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Функция квадратного корня.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Функция кубического корня.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Модуль.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Знак - возвращает знак аргумента: -1, если аргумент меньше0, 0, если равен 0, 1, если больше 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента равны, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Меньше-либо-равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента равны или первое меньше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Больше-либо-равно - возвращает 1 если два аргумента равны или первое больше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Не-равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента не равны, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Меньше - возвращает 1, если первый аргумент меньше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Больше - возвращает 1, если первый аргумент больше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Преобразует градусы в радианы: d - градусы, m - минуты (по умолчанию = 0), s - секунды (по умолчанию = 0) </string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Преобразует градусы из шестидесятеричной системы в десятичную: d - градусы, m - минуты (по умолчанию = 0), s - секунды (по умолчанию = 0) </string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Преобразует радианы в градусы.</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Тригонометрические</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Гиперболические тригонометрические</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Сравнение</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Общие</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">Мои</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="msg_1">Арифметическая ошибка: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_2">Слишком сложное выражение</string>
<string name="msg_3">Вычисление выражения занимает слишком много времени - проверьте выражение</string>
<string name="msg_4">Вычисление было отменено</string>
<string name="msg_5">Для функции {0} не определены параметры</string>
<string name="msg_6">В выражении найден Бесконечный цикл - проверьте выражение</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_operators">Операторы</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">Возвращает остаток от деления \'x\' на \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Суммирует функции \'f(i)\', пробегая по переменной \'i\' от \'from\' до \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Возвращает произведение функций \'f(i)\', пробегая по переменной \'i\' от \'from\' до \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Возвращает производную порядка \'order\' (по умолчанию = 1) функции \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\' и вычисляет её в точке \'x_point\' (по умолчанию = такая же как и \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Возвращает интеграл функции \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Интегрирует функцию \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\' от \'a\' до \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Возвращает факториал от предыдущего выражения.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Возвращает двойной факториал от предыдущего выражения.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Возвращает процентное значение от предыдущего выражения.\nПримеры:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Преобразует градусы в радианы.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726

View File

@ -71,16 +71,6 @@
<string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Имя переменной не валидно: им ядолжно начинаться с буквы, может содержать буквы, цифры и знак подчёркивания.</string> <string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Имя переменной не валидно: им ядолжно начинаться с буквы, может содержать буквы, цифры и знак подчёркивания.</string>
<string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">Системная переменная не может быть изменена!</string> <string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">Системная переменная не может быть изменена!</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Отношение длины окружности к диаметру. Внимание: эта постоянная зависит от единиц измерения углов => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Отношение длины окружности к диаметру. Внимание: эта постоянная не зависит от единиц измерения углов => rad: 3.14, rad: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Вещественное число, такое что производная функции f(x) = e^x в точке x = 0 равно 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Мнимая единица, определённая как i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Скорость света в вакууме, м·с^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">Гравитационная постоянная, с^3·кг^с^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Постоянная Планка - коэффициент, связывающий величину энергии электромагнитного излучения с его частотой, Дж·с</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Приведённая постоянная Планка, Дж·с</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Не число</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Бесконечность</string>
<string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Введите новое выражение</string> <string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Введите новое выражение</string>
<string name="c_continue">Продолжить</string> <string name="c_continue">Продолжить</string>
<string name="c_press_to_copy">Нажмите для копирования</string> <string name="c_press_to_copy">Нажмите для копирования</string>
@ -145,56 +135,9 @@
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Длительность отклика</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Длительность отклика</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Длительность вибрации по нажатию клавиши</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Длительность вибрации по нажатию клавиши</string>
<string name="c_functions">Функции</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Тригонометрическая функция синус.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Тригонометрическая функция косинус.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Тригонометрическая функция тангенс.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Тригонометрическая функция котангенс.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Арксинус - обратная функция к синусу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Арккосинус - обратная функция к косинусу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Арктангенс - обратная функция к тангенсу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Арккотангенс - обратная функция к котангенсу.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Натуральный логарифм - логарифм по основанию e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Десятичный логарифм - логарифм по основанию 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Экспонента.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Функция квадратного корня.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Функция кубического корня.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Модуль.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Знак - возвращает знак аргумента: -1, если аргумент меньше0, 0, если равен 0, 1, если больше 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента равны, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Меньше-либо-равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента равны или первое меньше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Больше-либо-равно - возвращает 1 если два аргумента равны или первое больше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Не-равно - возвращает 1, если два аргумента не равны, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Меньше - возвращает 1, если первый аргумент меньше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Больше - возвращает 1, если первый аргумент больше второго, иначе 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Преобразует градусы в радианы: d - градусы, m - минуты (по умолчанию = 0), s - секунды (по умолчанию = 0) </string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Преобразует градусы из шестидесятеричной системы в десятичную: d - градусы, m - минуты (по умолчанию = 0), s - секунды (по умолчанию = 0) </string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Преобразует радианы в градусы.</string>
<string name="c_empty_var_error">Невозможно создать пустую константу!</string> <string name="c_empty_var_error">Невозможно создать пустую константу!</string>
<string name="c_not_valid_result">Результат не допустим!</string> <string name="c_not_valid_result">Результат не допустим!</string>
<string name="c_operators">Операторы</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">Возвращает остаток от деления \'x\' на \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Суммирует функции \'f(i)\', пробегая по переменной \'i\' от \'from\' до \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Возвращает произведение функций \'f(i)\', пробегая по переменной \'i\' от \'from\' до \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Возвращает производную порядка \'order\' (по умолчанию = 1) функции \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\' и вычисляет её в точке \'x_point\' (по умолчанию = такая же как и \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Возвращает интеграл функции \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Интегрирует функцию \'f(x)\' по переменной \'x\' от \'a\' до \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Возвращает факториал от предыдущего выражения.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Возвращает двойной факториал от предыдущего выражения.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Возвращает процентное значение от предыдущего выражения.\nПримеры:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Преобразует градусы в радианы.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string> <string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Подсказки</string> <string name="c_hints">Подсказки</string>
@ -282,13 +225,6 @@ e ^ i = 0.5403 + 0.84147i\n
6. <b>Экран настроек:</b> содержит список настроек приложения. На экран можно попасть нажав кнопку Настройки в меню. 6. <b>Экран настроек:</b> содержит список настроек приложения. На экран можно попасть нажав кнопку Настройки в меню.
</string> </string>
<string name="msg_1">Арифметическая ошибка: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_2">Слишком сложное выражение</string>
<string name="msg_3">Вычисление выражения занимает слишком много времени - проверьте выражение</string>
<string name="msg_4">Вычисление было отменено</string>
<string name="msg_5">Для функции {0} не определены параметры</string>
<string name="msg_6">В выражении найден Бесконечный цикл - проверьте выражение</string>
<string name="c_swipe_distance">Длина свайпа для клавиш</string> <string name="c_swipe_distance">Длина свайпа для клавиш</string>
<string name="c_swipe_distance_summary">Устанавливает длину свайпа для клавиш которые поддерживают дополнительные действия по свайпу</string> <string name="c_swipe_distance_summary">Устанавливает длину свайпа для клавиш которые поддерживают дополнительные действия по свайпу</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Отношение длины окружности к диаметру. Внимание: эта постоянная зависит от единиц измерения углов => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Отношение длины окружности к диаметру. Внимание: эта постоянная не зависит от единиц измерения углов => rad: 3.14, rad: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Вещественное число, такое что производная функции f(x) = e^x в точке x = 0 равно 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Мнимая единица, определённая как i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Скорость света в вакууме, м·с^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">Гравитационная постоянная, с^3·кг^с^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Постоянная Планка - коэффициент, связывающий величину энергии электромагнитного излучения с его частотой, Дж·с</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Приведённая постоянная Планка, Дж·с</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Не число</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Бесконечность</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Встроенные</string>
<string name="c_var_my">Мои</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_functions">Functions</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Trigonometric sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Trigonometric cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Trigonometric tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Trigonometric cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcsine - the inverse of sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccosine - the inverse of cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangent - the inverse of tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangent - the inverse of cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Natural logarithm - logarithm the base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Decadic logarithm - logarithm the base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Exponential function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Square root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Cubic root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Function that gives absolute value of an argument.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Function that gives the sign of an argument: -1 if argument is less than 0, 0 if equals to 0, 1 if more than 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Lesser-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Greater-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Not-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are not equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Lesser function - gives 1 if first argument is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Greater function - gives 1 if first argument is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Converts degrees into radians: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Converts degrees from DMS notation to decimal notation: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Converts radians into degrees.</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Hyperbolic trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Comparison</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Common</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">My</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="msg_1">Arithmetic error occurred: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_2">Too complex expression</string>
<string name="msg_3">Too long execution time - check the expression</string>
<string name="msg_4">Evaluation was cancelled</string>
<string name="msg_5">No parameters are specified for function: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_6">Infinite loop is detected in expression</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_operators">Operators</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">Modulo operation finds the remainder of division of \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Sums functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Gives product of functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Gives derivative of order \'order\' (default = 1) of functions \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable and calculates at point \'x_point\' (default = same as \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Gives integral of function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Integrates function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable from \'a\' to \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Gives the factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Gives the double factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Gives the percent value of the expression before.\nExamples:\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Converts degrees to radians.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources> <resources>
<string name="c_app_name">Calculator++</string> <string name="c_app_name">Calculator++</string>
<string name="c_app_icon_name">Calc++</string> <string name="c_app_icon_name">Calc++</string>
<string name="c_app_settings">Settings</string> <string name="c_app_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="c_syntax_error">Error</string> <string name="c_syntax_error">Error</string>
@ -74,17 +74,6 @@
<string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Name of constant is not valid: name must start with letter, can contain letters, digits and underscore.</string> <string name="c_name.is.not.valid">Name of constant is not valid: name must start with letter, can contain letters, digits and underscore.</string>
<string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">System variable cannot be changed!</string> <string name="c_sys.var.cannot.be.changed">System variable cannot be changed!</string>
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit dependent => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit independent => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = e^x at the point x = 0 is equal to 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Imaginary unit, defined such that i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Speed of light in vacuum, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">The gravitational constant is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Physical constant reflecting the sizes of energy quanta in quantum mechanics, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Reduced Planck constant, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Not a number</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinity</string>
<string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Enter new expression</string> <string name="c_calc_editor_hint">Enter new expression</string>
<string name="c_press_to_copy">Press to copy</string> <string name="c_press_to_copy">Press to copy</string>
<string name="c_continue">Continue</string> <string name="c_continue">Continue</string>
@ -146,57 +135,9 @@
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Haptic feedback duration</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_title">Haptic feedback duration</string>
<string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Duration vibration on button click</string> <string name="p_calc_haptic_feedback_duration_summary">Duration vibration on button click</string>
<string name="c_functions">Functions</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sin">Trigonometric sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cos">Trigonometric cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_tan">Trigonometric tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cot">Trigonometric cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_asin">Arcsine - the inverse of sine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acos">Arccosine - the inverse of cosine function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_atan">Arctangent - the inverse of tangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_acot">Arccotangent - the inverse of cotangent function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ln">Natural logarithm - logarithm the base e.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lg">Decadic logarithm - logarithm the base 10.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_exp">Exponential function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sqrt">Square root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_cubic">Cubic root function.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_abs">Function that gives absolute value of an argument.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_sgn">Function that gives the sign of an argument: -1 if argument is less than 0, 0 if equals to 0, 1 if more than 0.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_eq">Equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_le">Lesser-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ge">Greater-or-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are equals or first is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_ne">Not-equals function - gives 1 if two arguments are not equals, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_lt">Lesser function - gives 1 if first argument is less than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_gt">Greater function - gives 1 if first argument is greater than second, 0 otherwise.</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_rad">Converts degrees into radians: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_dms">Converts degrees from DMS notation to decimal notation: d - degrees, m - minutes (default = 0), s - seconds (default = 0).</string>
<string name="c_fun_description_deg">Converts radians into degrees.</string>
<string name="c_empty_var_error">Unable to create empty constant!</string> <string name="c_empty_var_error">Unable to create empty constant!</string>
<string name="c_not_valid_result">Current result is not valid!</string> <string name="c_not_valid_result">Current result is not valid!</string>
<string name="c_operators">Operators</string>
<string name="c_op_description_mod">Modulo operation finds the remainder of division of \'x\' by \'y\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_sum">Sums functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_product">Gives product of functions \'f(i)\', iterating through \'i\' from \'from\' to \'to\'.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_derivative">Gives derivative of order \'order\' (default = 1) of functions \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable and calculates at point \'x_point\' (default = same as \'x\').</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral">Gives integral of function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable.</string>
<string name="c_op_description_integral_ab">Integrates function \'f(x)\' by \'x\' variable from \'a\' to \'b\'.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_factorial">Gives the factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_double_factorial">Gives the double factorial of the expression before.</string>
<string name="c_pf_description_percent" formatted="false">Gives the percent value of the expression
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125
<string name="c_pf_description_degree">Converts degrees to radians.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string> <string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Hints</string> <string name="c_hints">Hints</string>
@ -285,14 +226,6 @@ Check the \'Round result\' preference in application settings - it should be tur
6. <b>Settings screen:</b> contains application preferences. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing Settings in menu. 6. <b>Settings screen:</b> contains application preferences. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing Settings in menu.
</string> </string>
<string name="msg_1">Arithmetic error occurred: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_2">Too complex expression</string>
<string name="msg_3">Too long execution time - check the expression</string>
<string name="msg_4">Evaluation was cancelled</string>
<string name="msg_5">No parameters are specified for function: {0}</string>
<string name="msg_6">Infinite loop is detected in expression</string>
<string name="c_plot_graph">Graph</string> <string name="c_plot_graph">Graph</string>
<string name="c_min_x_value">From</string> <string name="c_min_x_value">From</string>
<string name="c_max_x_value">To</string> <string name="c_max_x_value">To</string>
@ -322,14 +255,4 @@ Check the \'Round result\' preference in application settings - it should be tur
<string name="c_history_was_removed">History was successfully removed!</string> <string name="c_history_was_removed">History was successfully removed!</string>
<string name="c_history_saved">History was successfully saved!</string> <string name="c_history_saved">History was successfully saved!</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_trig">Trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_hyper_trig">Hyperbolic trigonometric</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_comparison">Comparison</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_common">Common</string>
<string name="c_fun_category_my">My</string>
<string name="c_var_system">System</string>
<string name="c_var_my">My</string>
</resources> </resources>

res/values/text_vars.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact se.solovyev@gmail.com
~ or visit http://se.solovyev.org
<string name="c_var_description_pi">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit dependent => rad: 3.14, deg: 180.0</string>
<string name="c_var_description_PI">Ratio of any circle\'s circumference to its diameter. Note: this constant is degree unit independent => rad: 3.14, deg: 3.14</string>
<string name="c_var_description_e">Unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = e^x at the point x = 0 is equal to 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_i">Imaginary unit, defined such that i^2 = 1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_c">Speed of light in vacuum, m·s^-1</string>
<string name="c_var_description_G">The gravitational constant is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with mass, m^3·kg^1·s^2</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h">Physical constant reflecting the sizes of energy quanta in quantum mechanics, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_h_reduced">Reduced Planck constant, J·s</string>
<string name="c_var_description_nan">Not a number</string>
<string name="c_var_description_inf">Infinity</string>
<string name="c_var_system">Built-in</string>
<string name="c_var_my">My</string>

View File

@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
package org.solovyev.android.calculator.model; package org.solovyev.android.calculator.model;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import jscl.math.function.*; import jscl.math.function.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.solovyev.android.calculator.R; import org.solovyev.android.calculator.R;
import org.solovyev.common.definitions.IBuilder; import org.solovyev.common.definitions.IBuilder;
import org.solovyev.common.math.MathRegistry; import org.solovyev.common.math.MathRegistry;
@ -113,6 +116,13 @@ public class AndroidFunctionsMathRegistry extends AbstractAndroidMathRegistry<Fu
super(functionsRegistry, FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX); super(functionsRegistry, FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX);
} }
public void load(@Nullable Context context, @Nullable SharedPreferences preferences) {
super.load(context, preferences);
add(new CustomFunction.Builder(true, "log", new String[]{"a", "b"}, "ln(b)/ln(a)"));
@NotNull @NotNull
@Override @Override
protected Map<String, String> getSubstitutes() { protected Map<String, String> getSubstitutes() {

View File

@ -284,6 +284,9 @@ public enum CalculatorEngine {
} }
varsRegistry.load(context, preferences); varsRegistry.load(context, preferences);
functionsRegistry.load(context, preferences);
operatorsRegistry.load(context, preferences);
postfixFunctionsRegistry.load(context, preferences);
} }
} }

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import jscl.NumeralBase;
import jscl.math.Expression; import jscl.math.Expression;
import jscl.math.Generic; import jscl.math.Generic;
import jscl.math.function.Constant; import jscl.math.function.Constant;
import jscl.math.function.CustomFunction;
import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Test;
@ -406,4 +407,22 @@ public class CalculatorEngineTest {
cm.setNumeralBase(defaultNumeralBase); cm.setNumeralBase(defaultNumeralBase);
} }
} }
public void testLog() throws Exception {
final CalculatorEngine cm = CalculatorEngine.instance;
Assert.assertEquals("", Expression.valueOf("1/0").numeric().toString());
Assert.assertEquals("", Expression.valueOf("ln(10)/ln(1)").numeric().toString());
// logarithm
Assert.assertEquals("ln(b)/ln(a)", ((CustomFunction) cm.getFunctionsRegistry().get("log")).getContent());
Assert.assertEquals("", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.numeric, "log(1, 10)").getResult());
Assert.assertEquals("3.322", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.numeric, "log(2, 10)").getResult());
Assert.assertEquals("1.431", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.numeric, "log(5, 10)").getResult());
Assert.assertEquals("0.96", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.numeric, "log(11, 10)").getResult());
Assert.assertEquals("1/(bln(a))", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.simplify, "∂(log(a, b), b)").getResult());
Assert.assertEquals("-ln(b)/(aln(a)^2)", cm.evaluate(JsclOperation.simplify, "∂(log(a, b), a)").getResult());
} }