Sergey Solovyev aa76d34225 ads
2012-01-04 21:31:58 +04:00

104 lines
4.5 KiB

~ Copyright (c) 2009-2011. Created by serso aka se.solovyev.
~ For more information, please, contact
~ or visit
<string name="c_faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="c_hints">Hints</string>
<string name="c_screens">Screens</string>
<string name="c_faq_content" formatted="false">
<b>How can I get rid of the ads?</b>\n
You can do it by purchasing the special option in the main application preferences.\n
<b>Why Calculator++ needs INTERNET permission?</b>\n
Currently application needs such permission only for one purpose - to show ads. If you buy the special option C++ will never use your internet connection.\n
<b>How can I use functions written in the top right and bottom right corners of the button?</b>\n
Push the button and slide lightly up or down. Depending on value showed on the button action will occur.\n
<b>How can I toggle between radians and degrees?</b>\n
To toggle between different angle units you can either change appropriate option in application settings\n or use the toggle switch located on the 6 button\n
(current value is lighted with yellow color).\n
Also you can use deg() and rad() functions and ° operator to convert degrees to radians and vice versa.\n
268° = 4.67748\n
30.21° = 0.52726\n
rad(30, 21, 0) = 0.52971\n
deg(4.67748) = 268\n
<b>Does C++ support %?</b>\n
Yes, % function can be found in the top right corner of / button.\n
100 + 50% = 150\n
100 * 50% = 50\n
100 + 100 * 50% * 50% = 125\n
100 + (100 * 50% * (25 + 25)% + 100%) = 150\n
100 + (20 + 20)% = 140, <b>but</b> 100+ (20% + 20%) = 124.0\n
100 + 50% ^ 2 = 2600, <b>but</b> 100 + 50 ^ 2% = 101.08\n
<b>Does C++ support fractional calculations?</b>\n
Yes, you can type your fractional expression in the editor and use ≡ (in the top right corner of = button). Also you can use ≡ to simplify expression.\n
2/3 + 5/9 ≡ 11/9\n
2/9 + 3/123 ≡ 91/369\n
(6 - t) ^ 3 ≡ 216 - 108t + 18t ^ 2 - t ^ 3\n
<b>Does C++ support complex calculations?</b>\n
Yes, just enter complex expression (using i or √(-1) as imaginary number).\n
(2i + 1) ^ 2 = -3 + 4i\n
e ^ i = 0.5403 + 0.84147i\n
<b>Can C++ plot graph of the function?</b>\n
Yes, type expression which contains 1 undefined variable (e.g. cos(t) and t has no value) and click on the result. In the context menu choose \'Plot graph\'.\n
<b>Does C++ support matrix calculations?</b>\n
No, it doesn\'t.\n
<b>Why I\'ve got 1.76732452452345E-17 instead of 0?</b>\n
Check the \'Round result\' preference in application settings - it should be turned on.\n
<string name="c_hints_content">
1. You can omit unnecessary multiplication signs (instead of 3*t or t*sin(π*t) just type 3t or tsin(πt))\n\n
2. Use ≡ (in the top right corner of = button) to simplify expression\n\n
3. Just click on the result to copy it to the clipboard\n\n
4. Use = button seldom - result is calculating on the fly\n\n
5. Add constants for often used values (you can even save expressions)\n\n
6. Use variables located on 4 and 5 buttons\n\n
<string name="c_screens_content">
1. <b>Main screen:</b> is shown on application start, can be reached from another screen by pressing Back button.\n\n
2. <b>Variables and Constants screen:</b> contains list of available constants. User may add some constants and variables here by clicking Add button. Short click on variable/constant inserts it into the editor, long click - opens variable editor window. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing π,… button.\n\n
3. <b>Functions screen:</b> contains list of all available functions. Short click on function inserts it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing f(x) button.\n\n
4. <b>Operators screen:</b> contains list of all available operators. Short click on operator inserts it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing ∂,… button.\n\n
5. <b>History screen:</b> contains list of all actions done by user. Short click on history item sets it into the editor. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing M button.\n\n
6. <b>Settings screen:</b> contains application preferences. Can be reached from the main screen by pressing Settings in menu.