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<time>Sunday, April 4, 2021</time>
<p>I&rsquo;ve seen a lot of talk about this stuff:</p>
<li>&ldquo;Check out my FOSS project (hosted on Github)&rdquo;</li>
<li>&ldquo;Wayland is a great innovation and boon to the community! Also, there are very few tools/alternatives available yet for your favorite X11 tool!&rdquo;</li>
<li>&ldquo;We love open source! Also, we develop the most popular proprietary operating system!&rdquo;</li>
<li>&ldquo;Do as I say, not as I do.&rdquo;</li>
<p>We love to poke fun at and expose this kind of stuff, which is all fine and
dandy. I think it&rsquo;s an interesting (and important) part of our humanity that
this kind of thing bugs us so much. Think about that last point, which at least
in my experience, is something I <em>loved</em> to fault authorities for.</p>
<p>Hypocrisy is fun and also infuriating to uncover in others, but how often do
we do a &ldquo;consistency check&rdquo; on ourselves? Is what we are saying evidenced by
the rest of our actions?</p>
<p>That&rsquo;s a hard look sometimes. I know it is for me, since I&rsquo;m <strong>very</strong> quick
to judge others, but don&rsquo;t often think about how I fail at my own principles.</p>
<p>Example: As a FOSS advocate, it&rsquo;s nearly natural to assume that everything will
be better and easier with more people using FOSS. When evidence seems to point
to the contrary (e.g. fighting with Matrix/Element to get it working for my
family and friends), I don&rsquo;t own up to the fact that it isn&rsquo;t easier, and that
is an actual problem.</p>
<p>If we truly want to build a welcoming and wholesome community, let&rsquo;s be careful
to do a consistency check to make sure nothing smells foul.</p>
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<p>Have any questions? Let me know on <a href="">Matrix</a>, or start a discussion on <a href="">Fediverse</a>!</p>