If you want to support the project\nyou can donate money via\n<ahref="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=se%2esolovyev%40gmail%2ecom&lc=RU&item_name=Android%20Calculator&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted">http://paypal.com</a>\n\n
If you like the application\nrank it with 5 stars in\n<ahref="https://market.android.com/details?id=org.solovyev.android.calculator">android.market</a>\n\n
Thanks to people who translate Calculator++ in different languages:\n
Italian - Gabriele Ravanetti\n
Spanish - Jordi Luna\n\n
This application uses next open source libraries:\n
2. Support for differentiation, integration, calculation of sum and product.\n
∫(1/x, x)=ln(x)\n
∫ab(x, x, 0, 10)=50.0
1. Fixed crashes\n
2. Added variables on the main screen
1. Support for different angle units: radians, degrees, gradians, turns\n
2. Easy toggling between radians and degrees: use the toggle switch located on the 6 button\n
3. Application is translated in Italian (thanks to Gabriele Ravanetti)\n
4. Fixed bug with simplification of √(π^2)
1. Added functions\' plotting: type expression which contains 1 undefined variable (e.g. cos(t)) and click on the result. In the context menu choose \'Plot graph\'. Supported features: zoom in/out, moving graph, plotting imaginary part
1. Buttons swipe preference\n
2. Added support for different numeral bases (currently supported: dec, bin, oct). Dec and bin can be chosen from main screen (CE button) and from app preferences\n
3. Fixed √ simplification problem\n
4. Performance improvements in functions\' plotting
2. Extended history: save, remove, copy, use from history screen (use long click for additional actions)\n
3. Added Spanish language\n
4. Full numeral base support (dec, hex, oct, bin)\n
5. !!!: Fix for multiplication sign on some devices - if you have strange symbols instead of × - go to the settings and change multiplication sign to *\n